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ISSN 2708-4124 |
AUTOMATION OF PLACEMENT OF VIDEO CAMERAS IN THE ROOM A.I.Lapo, D.A. Moshkovich, M.V. Dervis, A.A. Ignatovich FULL TEXT: PDF (Rus) Abstract Automation of the process of placing video cameras for the distribution of their total visibility to the largest territory on the basis of genetic algorithms is analyzed. The operability of the created software (SW) was tested on the example of a real room. Key words Arrangement of video cameras, genetic algorithms, software implementation. Received: 05/05/2021; accepted for publication: 05/20/2021. For citation: ________________________________________ Lapo A.I., Moshkovich D.A., Dervis M.V., Ignatovich A.A. Automation of placement of video cameras in the room. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2021;2. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2021_2/3ru.pdf Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The work was awarded a silver medal at the XXVII International Conference of Young Scientists (ICYS 2021). About the authors: A.I. Lapo
D.A. Moshkovich, M.V. Dervis, A.A. Ignatovich
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