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Педагогика информатики |
ISSN 2708-4124 |
As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines. The manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication by other journals (there is explanation for the editor in the comments). In connection with the rather complicated requirements for the exact design of the list of literature and other scientific elements of the article, the editorial board of the journal allows authors to be relieved of the obligation to design manuscripts, illustrations, lists of literature on the rules of the journal until the review process is completed. The main requirement for the original version of the text is the indication in the list of references of all sources and studies mentioned in the work that the reviewer has the opportunity to verify the sources of information. The articles are accepted in electronic format Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx formats), the file with the article should be named according to author’s surname. If there are several authors, the article file should be named according to the surname of the first author. All illustrations and tables are arranged in the text after the references to them. The text is typed according to the next parameters: Times New Roman, 12 pt size, line spacing 1.5, indention 10 mm, without word wrap. Size of margins is to be: top and bottom – 20 mm, left – 30 mm, right – 20 mm. The recommended length of the manuscript, including tables, figures and references – 8–20 typewritten pages of A4 size (16 000–40 000 symbols); news items of scientific life and book reviews – 5 typewritten pages (to 10 000 symbols). All pages should be numbered (page numbering should be from the title page). Title page The title page should include the following structural elements: 1. UDC (universaldecimalclassification); 2. Titlename Maximum title length is 10–12 words. Long title names as well as short title names are difficult to perceive. The title name should be informative and concise, it should correspond to the scientific style of the text, contain keywords, that reflect the research topic (scope), content of the work. The title name should be clear for the reader and easy to search by search systems. Abbreviationsandformulasshouldnotbeenused. 3. Initials and surname of the author(s). 4. Affiliation: The name of organization where the author works (if the author worked and conducted research in several organizations, it is preferable to specify these organizations), address, city and country. Each organization name should be specified in a new line. The counting number in superscript should be written before the organization name and after the author’s surname, that helps to relate the author with the organization. 5. The abstract should be informative (without general words, original, structured), it should cover principle article content and research results. 6. Keywords: Keywords are a semantic kernel of the article, they are main concepts and categories that describe the research issues. Key words help the readers to search the articles in electronic databases, so the key words should reflect the discipline (i. e. the field of scientific research), subject, goal and object of research. Keywords may be either separate words or phrases (singular number, Nominative case). It is suggested 5–7 key words in Russian and English languages, at most 3 key words in the key phrase. 7. Acknowledgements: In this section the author acknowledges colleagues who contribute to the research or express criticism to the article. Before acknowledge someone, the author should obtain the consent from the person whom the author wants to show appreciation. Organizations and funds should be acknowledged for sponsorship, i.e. specify grants, contracts, etc., that helped in conducting research. 8. Full information about the author(s): full name, science degree, academic status, position, subdivision (department, faculty, laboratory, etc.), ORCID (it is necessary to register on https://orcid.org), e-mail, mobile phone number. It is necessary to point out the corresponding author. Postgraduate students and students should specify full name, science degree and academic status of the scientific advisor. DETERMINATION OF RIMANTADINE IN DOSAGE FORM «GRIPPOMIX» USING THE ION-SELECTIVE ELECTRODE I. S. Ivanov1), P. V. Petrov1), 2) 1)”The Scientific-Engineering Enterprise “Geoinformation Systems”, 6 Surganov Street, Minsk 220012, Belarus 2)Belarusian State University, 4 Niezalieznasci Avenue, Minsk 220030, Belarus
Corresponding author: I. S. Ivanov (ivanov@gmail.com) Abstract. ... Key words. ... Acknowledgments. ... Ivan S. Ivanov, junior researcher, "Geoinformation Systems". Petr V. Petrov, doctor of science (geography), full professor; head of the laboratory, "Geoinformation Systems"; professor at the department of engineering geology and geophysics, faculty of geography, Belarusian State University. УДК 543.257.2 ОПРЕДЕЛЕНИЕ РИМАНТАДИНА В ЛЕКАРСТВЕННОМ ПРЕПАРАТЕ «ГРИППОМИКС» С ПОМОЩЬЮ ИОНОСЕЛЕКТИВНОГО ЭЛЕКТРОДА 1. И. С. Ивановa, П. В. Петровa,b aНаучно-инженерное предприятие «Геоинформационные системы», bБелорусский государственный университет, пр. Независимости, 4, 220030, г. Минск, Беларусь Аннотация ... Ключевые слова ... Благодарность ... Иван Сергеевич Иванов – младший научный сотрудник НИП «Геоинформационные системы». +375*** Петр Владимирович Петров – доктор химических наук, профессор; заведующий лабораторией НИИ физико-химических проблем, профессор кафедры аналитической химии химического факультета БГУ. +375*** Контактный автор И. С. Иванов Items 2–8 should follow in the same order in English (see example of arrangement): In the articles published in the section «Scientific events»the article title should be presented in Russian and English languages; information about author(s) (full name, science degree, academic status, position, place of work, organization address, e-mail, corresponding author phone number) should also be written in Russian and English languages. The article should consist of the following structural parts that are written boldface type. 1. Introduction Includes: urgency of research, correspondent literature review, stated problem, research aims and objectives. 2. Researchmethodology/theoreticalframework The part describes research methods and methodology. 3. Resultsanddiscussion The part covers actual results of the research (texts, tables, graphs, diagrams, formulas, pictures, images), interpretation of the results, including their relevance to research hypothesis, as well as limitations of the research and generalization of the results, suggestion on practical application and further research directions. 4. Conclusion The part covers section summary. Duplication of wording from the sections should be avoided in the summary. The part can be included into the previous one. LIST OF BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES (in source language): a) The list includes only works that have been used during preparation of the article and have references in the text. b) References to the bibliographic sources should be arranged in accordance with their citation (mentioning) – a counting number of the reference and the citied page in the text should be written in square brackets (e.g. [1,3]). Each source should have its counting number in the list. c) The list of the bibliographic sources should be arranged as follows: – a book: name and initials of the author (if there are more than three authors, first three authors should be specified), book full title, place of publication, publisher, year of publication. Example: 1. Euwals R., Dagevos J., Gijsberts M. et al. Immigration, integration and the labour market: Turkish immigrants in Germany and the Netherlands. Bonn : IZA, 2007. – articles from the journals, collections, materials and conferences, etc.: Example: 4. Raijman R., Ophir A. The Economic Integration of Latin Americans in Israel. Can. Ethn. Stud. 2014. Vol. 46, No. 3. P. 77–102. DOI: 10.1353/ces.2014.0036. References (in English): a) the list of bibliographic references should be also written in English language; b) number of sources specified in the list of bibliographic references should coincide with References; c) references should include data from English-language metadata of the article that are arranged as one block on the title page or at the end of the article: author’s full name (Latin), article title in English; name of a journal (Latin) – transliterate the name if there is no English-language name; imprint (year, volume, page numbers (at…through)); article language, if it is not published in English (e.g. (in Russian)); DOI of the article (if any) or URL if there is no DOI, access to the article (if any); Example:1. Dedov I. I., Shestakova M. V., Vikulova O. K. National register of diabetes mellitus in Russian Federation. Diabetes mellitus. 2015. Vol. 18, No. 3. P. 5–22 (in Russian). DOI: 10.14341/DM201535-22; d) transliteration of description is not accepted – an article title or a book title should be translated in English: the description should be clear for foreign readers. It is suggested to translate the titles without transliteration and specify publication language (in Russian) while citing Russian-language books, conferences, anonymous and other sources in case that it is know that they will not be included into international scientific databases. e) transliteration standard variant for English-language systems – BSI – should be used for latinisation. It is possible to use transliteration system on http://translit.ru, choosing BSI standard. Note. Scopus and other international scientometrical database do not recommend to use the following documents, specified in References: – anonymous sources and regulatory documents (regulations, laws, instructions, etc.) that will not be indexed in citation databases; – inaccessible, unpublished, small editions, local, popular and educational sources: author’s abstracts and dissertations, newspapers, unpublished reports, study guides and course books, encyclopedias, readers, vocabularies; – electronic materials and Internet resources. For recommendation: it is preferred to cite above mentioned documents in the text or in-cut references. The references should be arranged page-by-page, at the bottom of the page, numbered – from № 1 on each page. REQUIREMENTS TO ILLUSTRATIONS AND PHOTOS Illustrations should complement the text and correspondent tables in the text rather than duplicate. The illustrations and graphs should be clear. The illustrations should be of the same scale, maximum illustration size should be at most 170x220 mm (including image-related text). Minimum permissible resolution is 300 dpi. All symbols on the illustrations should be written Times New Roman. Image elements and graphs are numbers by italic Arabic numerals that are transcribed in image-related texts. The illustrations are numbered in accordance with the order of their citation in the text. Each illustration should have a short name and references to the text (e. g. fig. 1). The only illustration is not numbered. There should not be shorthand notations in the illustration and the graph, even if they are transcribed in the text (t, S, etc.) All image-related texts should be duplicated in English language. Requirements to tables The tables should complement each other rather than duplicate. The tables are numbered according to their order of citation in the text. Each table should have a short name and references to the text (e. g. table 1). The only table in the text is not numbered. Column headings should be in accordance with their content. Abbreviations, used in the table, should be transcribed after the table. There should not be empty columns in the table. Table name is duplicated in English language. Requirements to types, formulas, units If necessary, it is agreed individually with the editorial staff. Requirements to abbreviations Common abbreviations should be used in the text. Abbreviations should be avoided in the title of the manuscript. The entire term for which the abbreviation is used should be transcribed in the text for its first mention (the transcription is not necessary for measurement units and symbols). The authors who are published in this journal agree to the following: 1. The authors retain copyright on the work and provide the journal with the right of first publication of the work on condition of license CreativeCommonsAttribution-NonCommercial. 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). 2. The authors retain the right to enter into certain contractual agreements relating to the non-exclusive distribution of the published version of the work (e.g. post it on the institutional repository, publication in the book), with the reference to its original publication in this journal. 3. The authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (e.g. on the institutional store or personal website) prior to and during the review process, conducted by the journal, as this may lead to a productive discussion and a large number of references to this work. (See TheEffectofOpenAccess). Privacy Statement The names and email addresses given to this journal will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.