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ISSN 2708-4124 |
USING THE BASIC GOOGLE CLASSROOM SERVICE IN THE WORK OF A PHYSICS TEACHER Yu. M. Savluk FULL TEXT: PDF (Rus) Abstract The article substantiates the effectiveness of the use of Google services, organized specifically for study and related to the so-called Web 2.0 services, i.e. supporting interaction between the participants in the communication, receiving feedback from students when organizing homework, blended or distance learning. Key words Google Classroom service, Google services, blended learning, feedback. Received: 09/20/2021; accepted for publication: 09/27/2021. For citation: ________________________________________ Savluk Yu.M. Using the basic Google Classroom service in the work of a physics teacher. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2021;3. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2021_3/2ru.pdf Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. About the authors: Yu. M. Savluk
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