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ISSN 2708-4124 |
MODERN APPROACHES AND INNOVATIVE PRACTICES IN TEACHING SCHOOL INFORMATICS L.L. Bosova FULL TEXT: PDF (Rus) Abstract Computer science as a subject has a strong position in system of Russian general education, occupies leading position in the world. As the same time general public (pupils, their parents, member of IT companies^ business and universities) are not satisfied with status and content of the school computer science course, expecting it to be much more in line with the realities of our time and challenges of the modern world. The purpose of research is to analyze modern approaches and innovative practices in teaching students computer science and determine on this basis a possible vector for the further development of subject. The article analyzes the changes in the goals, content, means, methods and forms of teaching computer science that are happening in our time. Further development of the Russian course in school informatics is associated with formation of a methodological system of continuing education in computer science in grades 1-11. Key words School informatics, general education course in informatics, methodological system of teaching informatics. Received: 02/03/2020; accepted for publication: 02/15/2020. For citation: ________________________________________ Bosova L.L. Modern approaches and innovative practices in teaching school informatics. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2020;1. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2020_1/1ru.pdf Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. About the authors:
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