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ISSN 2708-4124 |
FEATURES OF TEACHING INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TO STUDENTS OF FOREIGN CULTURES T. S. Zhylinskaya FULL TEXT: PDF (Rus) Abstract The importance of developing new approaches to teaching foreign students follows from the in-crease in their number in the higher education system of the Republic of Belarus. New approaches should include both a change in the content of training (taking into account the knowledge and skills of foreign students) and a revision of the methodology considering the foreign culture of this category of students.
Key words The methodology of informatics, informatics for international students, specifics of teaching international students. Received: 12/12/2019; accepted for publication: 02/15/2020. For citation: ________________________________________ Zhylinskaya T.S. Features of teaching information technology to students of foreign cultures. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2020;1. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2020_1/4ru.pdf Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. About the authors:
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