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ISSN 2708-4124



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D.A. Bogdanova



Modern children grow up surrounded by the Internet, perceiving it as a natural habitat that does not carry any threat. Indeed, the Internet provides access to information, but this opportunity is often used for plagiarism, illegal downloading, sharing music and software. And in a social context, the Internet allows you to communicate with peers and strangers, participate in various online communities and interact with local and more remote communities. These communities often have their own rules, their etiquette and social agreements.
The task of adults is to teach young people to navigate the online world, without violating the moral and ethical values of their offline life, to use the Internet from a position of common sense, without harming themselves and other users of any kind. The development of content and training standards in this direction is carried out by specialists around the world. This material is an overview of major international projects that have made a significant contribution to the implementation of approaches to form a new identity for the younger generation, which have received international recognition and have had a significant impact on the formation of the modern landscape of the new digital world.

Key words

Internet safety, media literacy, information safety, digital citizenship, digital intelligence, digital etiquette, digital law, digital identity, digital emotional intelligence, digital competitiveness, digital communication.

Received: 04/29/2020; accepted for publication: 05/12/2020.

For citation:


Bogdanova D.A. Skill training for the digital era: modern landscape. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2020;2. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2020_2/1ru.pdf

Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About the authors:
D.A. Bogdanova
Federal Research Center «Computer Science and control»,
The Russian academy of sciences, Moscow
BogdanovaDiana –PhD,Senior Researcher
ul. Vavilova, 44/2; 119333, Moscow, Russia


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