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ISSN 2708-4124



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V.V. Kazachonak



The concepts of "manipulation" and "motivation", their structure, similarities and differences are analyzed. The possibilities of the resonant influence of ICT on the human brain and consciousness, the peculiarities of their use in the educational process are considered; the essence of the formation and development of motivation is revealed.
The main platforms of manipulation are considered, which switch off the reflective component. In particular, the general mechanism of the ICT impact on human consciousness is explained, based on the formation of processes of simplification of reality in the unconscious environment of the psyche, which, when properly influenced, become tools for manipulation; describes the stages of human cyborgization, identified by specialists in artificial intelligence and nanotechnology.

Key words

Manipulation, motivation, ICT, educational process.

Received: 08/30/2020; accepted for publication: 09/15/2020.

For citation:


Kazachonak V.V. Modern technologies of emotional manipulation and educational process. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2020;3. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2020_3/5ru.pdf

Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About the authors:
V.V. Kazachonak
Belarusian State University
The Republic of Belarus
Kazachonak Viktar – Doctor of Sciences (Education), Head of the Department of Computer Applications and Systems
Nezavisimosti Avenue,4; 220030, Minsk, Republic of Belarus
ORCID: 0000-0002-4300-3143


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