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ISSN 2708-4124



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T. A. Boronenko, V. S. Fedotova



The authors consider the main directions of digitalization of the educational environment of the school in the development of resources and the material and technical base of the organization, the formation of human resources, the preparation of software and educational resources. The educational effects of digitalization of the school learning environment are focused on increasing the motivation of schoolchildren to learn, the formation of their digital literacy and the development of digital competencies of the teacher.
Aim of the article is to determine the prospects for digitalization of the educational environment of the school, to identify existing problems and ways to solve them, to substantiate the potential of the digital educational environment of the school in the formation of digital literacy of students.
Methodology and research methods. The authors investigate the digital educational environment as the basis for the formation of digital literacy of schoolchildren on the basis of a systemic and environmental approach, which allow us to consider the development of technical, informational, communicative, social, value, legal, cognitive and other aspects of digital literacy as a whole.
Results. Based on the analysis of the positive and negative experience of creating a digital educational environment in Russian schools, the characteristics of its functionality, the authors define the main problems of digitalization of education, suggest possible ways to solve them. The authors diagnose potential risks and threats to the implementation of the educational process in the digital educational environment, determine the role of the digital educational environment in the formation of digital literacy of schoolchildren.
Scientific novelty. The digital educational environment is an indispensable attribute of the formation of digital literacy of schoolchildren, an environment for digital socialization of students. The authors clarify the role of the digital educational environment of the school in organizing student-centered education and making decisions based on data for managing the education system in order to improve the quality of education, social relevance and professional success of graduates of Russian schools.
Practical significance of the study lies in the possibility of using its results to determine the prospects for educational policy in the development of digital literacy of schoolchildren and digital competencies of teachers in a digital society.

Key words

Digitalization, digital educational environment, digital literacy, digital competencies, digital technologies.

Acknowledgments. The reported study was funded by RFBR, project number ¹ 19-29-14185 ìê.

Received: 12/22/2020; accepted for publication: 12/30/2020.

For citation:


Boronenko T.A, Fedotova V.S. Digital educational environment of schools as a basis for forming digital literacy of school children. Electronic scientific and methodological journal “Pedagogy of computer science”. 2021;1. Http://pcs.bsu.by/2021_1/2ru.pdf

Content is available under license Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

About the authors:

T. A. Boronenko
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Tatyana A. Boronenko – D-r Sci (Ed.), Professor; Head of the Department of Informatics and Information Systems; kafivm@lengu.ru
St. Petersburg sh., 10; Pushkin, 196605, St. Petersburg, Russia

V. S. Fedotova
Pushkin Leningrad State University
Vera S. Fedotova – Cand. Sci (Ed.), Associate Professor; Associate Professor of the Department of Informatics and Information Systems; v.fedotova@lengu.ru
St. Petersburg sh., 10; Pushkin, 196605, St. Petersburg, Russia


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